About Me

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This is our family blog: We are now a family of FOUR! We are loving life with our son Kade who is three years old and our daughter Corinne who was born on July 13th 2009. Time is flying by and we are trying to cherish every moment with our kiddos. Things have gotten even busier lately as we get to know our new girl. Hopefully this blog will help us to keep track of the little moments and share them. Kade and Corinne are such a bright spots in our lives and we want to share them with you.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wild at the Zoo

We made a trip to the Zoo on Monday. It was really fun with Kade at this age. He seemed to enjoy it more than last year when we took him. He really loves animals so it was fun to show him all the different ones there. Above are some of our favorite animals. Kade wouldn't stop talking about the sea horses. I didn't get any pictures of those.

1 comment:

Kylie V. said...

I think you've got two monkeys in your household you could've left at the zoo. ;) Kade seems to grow a little more in each post! Looks like he got to pet the sharks too! Did he love that? I was too nervous to stick Andra's little hands in there! We took her to the zoo this spring, but she's a little young to get into it yet.