About Me

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This is our family blog: We are now a family of FOUR! We are loving life with our son Kade who is three years old and our daughter Corinne who was born on July 13th 2009. Time is flying by and we are trying to cherish every moment with our kiddos. Things have gotten even busier lately as we get to know our new girl. Hopefully this blog will help us to keep track of the little moments and share them. Kade and Corinne are such a bright spots in our lives and we want to share them with you.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Our Big Man

These are pictures of Kade's newly transformed "big boy bed". We took the railing off his crib. He is really doing well with it overall, and he hasn't fallen out so that is a plus. It is so hard to believe that he isn't a baby anymore. I always tell him that he is still mommy's baby though. It is so much easier to understand my parents love for me since I have known the love that I feel for my child. It is unlike any other feeling.

This is one of Kade's favorite activities. He loves to play "basketball game" as he calls it. He is loving sports which is making daddy happy.

Kade loves to ride his "bicycle". I use the term "ride" lightly because he can't reach the peddles yet so he just uses his feet on the ground to move around. He really enjoys being outside. The picture above is of our flowers that Kade really enjoys. The Lilly plant has since lost its flowers and is getting ready to bloom again. Kade always walks by the plant and says, "Oh no, where my flowers go....lost!". I keep assuring him that we will have flowers again as it is getting ready to bloom soon.

So, I mentioned below that we are trying to potty train. It is slow-going but we seem to be making progress. (just enough to keep this mommy trying) Kade's favorite place to go potty is out in the grass so it has been a perfect time of year to try this. The other day I brought his potty out in the garage so he could try to "go" once in a while during play breaks. When daddy returned from work that night he found this sight before his eyes. It was pretty funny. I guess the umbrella gives a guy a little privacy anyway. I will have to keep you updated on this process. I have a feeling we will be trying for quit a while. :o)

This is just a picture of him being a cutie. He is talking up a storm, potty training, and swimming like a fish with his Nemo arm floaties this summer. It is so fun to see the world through his eyes as he makes new discoveries. His newest thing is pointing out all the different types of trucks when we are driving on the interstate. He has a book that names them all so that has peaked his interest in the subject. Yesterday we watched a garbage truck pick up dumpsters of trash and dump them in the back. Kade thought this was so cool. The smallest things amuse him. It is fun for me to slow down and enjoy these things with him.


Kylie V. said...

Am I the first commenter?? woohoo!!
Looks like you've got a monkey jumping on the bed! he's precious, as usual. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pic of him pottying with the umbrella!! Don't you just wonder what's going through their head sometimes?? Love the blog already! :)

Meg said...

I dont think Kade can possibly get any cuter! I love the blog and am a faithful subscriber!