About Me

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This is our family blog: We are now a family of FOUR! We are loving life with our son Kade who is three years old and our daughter Corinne who was born on July 13th 2009. Time is flying by and we are trying to cherish every moment with our kiddos. Things have gotten even busier lately as we get to know our new girl. Hopefully this blog will help us to keep track of the little moments and share them. Kade and Corinne are such a bright spots in our lives and we want to share them with you.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I'm a big slacker!

Hello! I feel like a total slacker for my lack of posts in recent months. Things in the McDermott household are slowly starting to get back to "normal". Actually we are getting into a new normal as we get used to being a family of four! Corinne is doing wonderfully. She was at the doctor last week and she is a little over 11 lbs. now. She is really getting some rolls and chubby cheeks that are so fun to pinch and kiss. She is a happy baby and pretty easy going. She reminds me a lot of Kade as a baby.

Kade is doing well also. He has taken to being a big brother and loves his little sister very much! If we can just get him to be a little more gentle we will be set. :) He is so proud of her and just wants to be close to her all the time...sometimes a little TOO close. He is still going to his preschool two days a week and loves it. He has a very nice teacher this year and couldn't be happier with "school".

We are so excited about the fall weather and the close of another season. Christmas will be here before we know it! I am not ready for that! I go back to work my two days in early October. I am nervous about being away from Corinne but I know she will be fine. Here are a few new pictures for you all.

1 comment:

The Kelly's said...

She will be just fine!!! :)