About Me

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This is our family blog: We are now a family of FOUR! We are loving life with our son Kade who is three years old and our daughter Corinne who was born on July 13th 2009. Time is flying by and we are trying to cherish every moment with our kiddos. Things have gotten even busier lately as we get to know our new girl. Hopefully this blog will help us to keep track of the little moments and share them. Kade and Corinne are such a bright spots in our lives and we want to share them with you.

Monday, September 7, 2009


Well, most of you probably have heard that we have been having some serious bedtime issues with Kade since Corinne was born a couple of months ago. It has really thrown me for a loop since Kade has always went to bed easily and stayed there the entire night. I have decided that some of it is due to having a new baby sister and some of it is just his age. Anywho...We had to change some things up. Last week I made up a sticker chart and explained things to Kade. He gets a sticker for every night that he stays in his bed and in his room without coming out. After filling up a row on the chart he gets to pick a "prize" out of the cup. I wrote out special things that Kade likes to do on little slips of paper and folded them up. Then I put them into a cup for him to pick from. This morning was the big morning. He had successfully stayed in his room for 6 nights and filled up an entire row on his chart with stickers. He was really excited and picked his prize out of the cup. The slip of paper he choose said we could go get ICE CREAM. Exciting! So, we made a trip to get some ice cream later on in the day. I didn't have my camera when we went to get the icecream but here are some pictures of the chart and him holding his prize slip of paper. The other pic is of Corinne in her pretty sunday dress. (had to include one of her)

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