About Me

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This is our family blog: We are now a family of FOUR! We are loving life with our son Kade who is three years old and our daughter Corinne who was born on July 13th 2009. Time is flying by and we are trying to cherish every moment with our kiddos. Things have gotten even busier lately as we get to know our new girl. Hopefully this blog will help us to keep track of the little moments and share them. Kade and Corinne are such a bright spots in our lives and we want to share them with you.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

What fun!

Above is the funny sight before my eyes when I peaked into our spare bedroom yesterday. Sara (our-actually more like Scott's- beloved cat) got cozy in Kade's Elmo chair for her afternoon nap. Kade wasn't too thrilled when he saw here sitting there. He loves Sara but didn't want to share his chair. He has been extra sweet to her lately. He loves to kiss her and "pet" her. She looks a little tense when he is petting her but she tries to trust him. He doesn't notice that her ears are laid back and her eyes are squinted shut in agony.

Below is Kade's newest favorite toy. It is in good shape but is actually like 15 years old I think. It was given to us a few weeks ago and I finally got it out of the trunk. (things just seem to get lost in there). Anywho, Kade loves it!! He and Elaina had their first car date in it as you can see. Kade drove them. Both hands on the wheel and eyes on the road. Doesn't Elaina look beautiful in her dress? She had to go out and get a new outfit for the date. :) You know how that goes. You female readers can relate I'm sure.

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